eventos y noticias

CALL FOR PAPERS| 15th Conference on East-West Cross-Cultural Relations: " Dialogues and exchanges between the Luso-Hispanic World, the Middle East and Asia,”

📅WHEN: May15-16, 2025

📌WHERE:  Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú (Av. Universitaria 1801, Lima, Peru)

🏢FORMAT: The conference will be in-person only. There will be no virtual sessions

Dear colleagues: 

You are all invited to submit proposals to the 15thConference on East-West Cross-Cultural Relations: " Dialogues and exchanges between the Luso-Hispanic World, the Middle East and Asia,” This conference is dedicated to the memory of Peruvian writer Julia Wong, which will take place at the Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú, in Lima, on May 15-16, 2025.

(Please find additional information in the attachment)

You are all invited to present papers in Spanish, Portuguese, or English devoted to the general topic of the conference, “Dialogues and exchanges between the Luso-Hispanic World, the Middle East and Asia,” or to one of the following subthemes(the Committee may also accept other subthemes related to the general theme of the conference):

•  Peru in the Eastern imaginary and the East in Peruvian imaginaries

•  East-West cross-cultural relations

•  Western travelers in the Middle East/Asia and Middle Eastern/Asian travelers in the West

•  Filipino cultural production in Spanish

•  (Self-)Orientalization of the Asian and Western imaginaries

•  Exoticizing the “Oriental” in the Americas and the Iberian world

•  Luso-Hispanic presence in the MiddleEast and Asia

•  Archiving Middle Eastern and Asiannarratives in the Americas and the Iberian world

•  Consumption and reception of Asiancultural production (K-pop, Bollywood, etc.) in 


•  Consumption and reception of Western cultural production in the Middle East and Asia

•  Cultural production by authors of Asian and Arab descent in the Americas and the Iberian Peninsula

•   Middle Eastern and Asian presence in LatinAmerica and the Caribbean

•   Orientalism andself-orientalization in Asian-Latin American and Arab-Latin American cultural production

•   Decolonial and Postcolonialconnections between the cultural production in Middle East, Asia, and the Luso-Hispanic world

•   Images of the Luso-Hispanic worldin Middle Eastern and Asian cultural production

•   Images of Middle East and Asia in Luso-Hispanic literature and culture

•  Translations of Middle Eastern and Asian texts in the West

•  Translations of Western texts in the Middle East and Asia

•  Latin American cultural production byauthors of Middle Eastern and Asian descent

•  Images of the Middle East and Asia inthe Peruvian writing

•  Eastern religions in the West

•  Trans-Pacific Studies

•   Travel narratives

•   Exoticization and idealization ofthe Oriental “Other”

•   Occidentalism

•   Representation of Asian and Arabwomen in the Luso-Hispanic world

•   Asian and Arab Diasporas in the in the Luso-Hispanic world

•   Chinatownsin the in the Luso-Hispanic world

•   Racialization of Jews in the Hispanic world

• Muslims in the Western imagination 
Ignacio López-Calvo, University of California, Merced, EE.UU. ilopez-calvo@ucmerced.edu


Ricardo Ernesto SumalaviaChávez, Pontificia Universidad  

Católica del Perú rsumala@pucp.edu.pe

Rubén Quiroz Ávila| Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos


The abstracts of the presentations must be sent by April 1, 2025 to: 
Ignacio López-Calvo, University of California, Merced, EE.UU. ilopez-calvo@ucmerced.edu
During the conference, there will be a maximum of 20 minutes topresent your paper (approximately 8 double-spaced pages in Times New Roman 12).Please make sure you do not go over the 20-minute limit.

Presentations must be in Spanish, English, or Portuguese.

Abstracts must follow the following format:
-Name, Last Name, Title, Institutional affiliation
-Title of presentation
-Abstract [200-400 words]

Anthem Press, Cambridge Scholars Publishing, or the academic journal Transmodernity

Deadline: April 1, 2025. To pay online, please use this link: https://commerce.cashnet.com/UCME324_W1
USA/Asia: US$150 
    Graduate students: $125
Europe: 130euros
    Graduate students: 110 euros 
LatinAmerica and Africa: US$125
     Graduate students: $100
If the website for online registration does not work, participants from the USA, can send a check signed to University ofCalifornia Regents. The address is the following:
Dr. Ignacio López-Calvo

Dept.of Literatures, Languages, and Cultures

SSHAUniversity of California, Merced
5200 North Lake Road
Merced, CA. 95343 
If the website doesn’t work for non-US participants, they can payon-site at the conference to Ignacio López-Calvo.


(Recommended Hotels)




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